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  • Writer's picturehappilyeverhylton

Why now?

I have always had a passion for writing. As a child, I wrote a poem about Coca-Cola, and my siblings still roast me for that poem to this day. One of them even stole it and used it as their own work when we moved from the UK to the USA. I have had my nose in books, and my ears attuned to audiobooks for as long as I can recall. Reading and writing has always been something that I've enjoyed. I have documents saved on my computer of times where I've needed to ramble and write. To get the words out of my heart and soul and into a prior blog, a Word document, or the pages of a half used journal.

Which leads to the "why now?" of it all.

Over the past few years my life has undergone great change and upheaval. I graduated from a Masters program. I moved closer to home. I started my first real grown up job. Then I found myself moving again, starting a new job, getting married and becoming a mom. Those last few things happened within the past sixteen months. It's a lot.

To say that all of it hasn't changed me would be a lie. I have changed. That's a good thing. To remain stagnant in one place (physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) is not a good thing. We as humans are constantly evolving, learning, growing and changing.

This blog, this space, this community is being created not only to document all that's happened and will happen, but to find places where our lives intersect and connect. To create conversation - some of it difficult, and some of it lighthearted.

I hope you'll stick around, and tell me - what can I do or share to be in deeper community with you?

(this photo is from Sept 2021, our baby boy is now here!

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