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  • Writer's picturehappilyeverhylton

My Films To Be Buried With

Prior to maternity leave, we created a list of TV shows that we wanted to watch together, because we knew we would not be going anywhere for some time. Ted Lasso was at the top of our list and my goodness, I can't believe we waited so long to watch it and now we have to wait for the third season! If you haven't watched it. Stop reading. Go press play. You won't regret it.

Of course, almost everyone who has seen the show has a soft spot for Roy Kent played by Brett Goldstein. I love everything about his character. Gruff, rough and yet gentle and kind at heart.

Imagine my delight when I discovered that Brett Goldstein has a podcast that revolves around movies! I am an avid movie watcher and prior to the pandemic, I was at the movie theater about once a week. I know that I will never make it onto his podcast, so I thought I'd share my own "Movies to be Buried With". I'm not sure if this is all of the questions...but anyway, here we go!

What was the first-ever film you saw?

- The first film that I remember seeing is "101 Dalmatians". I saw it in the theaters with my aunt (I think), and threw up afterwards because I had indulged in too much sugar.

What was the film that scared you the most?

- I don't think that this counts, but the one that scared me the most was the extended video of Michael Jackson's "Thriller" - I was horrified and thought that 1: he really was part werewolf and 2: how did they get all those zombies and such together at once? If we're talking about real movies...well, "Hostel". That movie gives me the creeps and I cannot watch it. I turn my head so I don't see the screen. Lol.

What was the film that made you cry the most?

- "Selena". I cry every single time that I watch it. I don't think there's much else to say about it.

What film is TERRIBLE but you love it?

- "Spice World". I will die on this hill. Aliens. Meatloaf as their bus driver. Boat wrecks. All of it.

What is the film you once loved but watching it now you realise it’s terrible?

“Cruel Intentions”. I don’t think I need to say much else.

What is the film that means the most to you? Not because of the film itself, but because of the memories, you have of it.

- "Bohemian Rhapsody". Kyle proposed to me while we were watching this.

What is the sexiest film?

- "Dirty Dancing". I recently watched "The Real Dirty Dancing" tv show and WOW. I didn't remember the chemistry between the actors...shew. It's a steamy movie. Sexy, and sad, if we're being honest.

Which film do you most relate to?

- I cannot think of an answer for this. I'll update it when I think of the movie!

Which film is objectively the greatest ever?

- "Phantom Thread". Daniel Day Lewis is elegant and scary. It's a beautifully made movie.

Which film is the one you’ve watched the most?

- This could be a tie between a lot of movies. I'd probably have to say "A Muppets Christmas Carol" is up there. At least that's one of a few that comes to mind. I'll watch it anytime of year. It brings joy to my soul.

What’s the worst film you’ve ever seen?

- "The Shape of Water". I don't know how it won so many awards. It was a waste of my $2. Yes. I saw it in a $2 theater.

What is the film that’s literally made you laugh out loud the most?

- "Forgetting Sarah Marshall". Love it. Will watch it anytime. I can quote it all day. I do sometimes...much to everyone's frustration.

And finally...what is the one movie I would take with me to heaven?

- "The Harry Potter Series". Does that count? If not...I'd take "Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix".

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